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Marijuana Intervention (Cannabis)

Students are given information to make better decisions, about how marijuana or any drug that can be abused and leaning how to accept their responsibility along with coping skills. We also discuss values and attitudes and behavior when using marijuana.

Night classes every Wednesday at 6PM. Call to schedule day classes.


4 Hour Course: $65 Course Fee

6 Hour Course (2, 3-hour classes): $90 Course Fee

12 Hour Course (4, 3-hour classes): $150

Non-Dallas classes available by appointment if needed, call for details.


12 Hour Program (1 Class per week for 12 weeks): $200 Course Fee + $25 Intake Fee paid by first class.


How to Register

Online: Go to "Book Online" at the top of the page, or click here. Select the class you are looking for and follow the booking form steps. Next download the "Forms and Paperwork" on this page and email the completed forms to .

Phone: Call 972-310-6932 to register for a class listed above.

Forms and Paperwork

Download this when registering for a class. Email the forms in the folder with "Before Class" in the name to Please include the class you are registering for as well as your name in the subject line of your email.

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